Saturday, November 21, 2009

Google Chrome OS ,Screenshots

Google released the source code for Chrome OS on Thursday, beginning the process of producing a browser-based operating system by the end of 2010 for lower-end PCs called Netbooks. Although Linux runs under the covers, the applications all run within Google's browser.

Meanwhile, the source code for Chrome OS is already available. Here's the login screen:

Chrome OS is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Debian that uses a lot of open-source software: Host AP Linux drivers, PAM (an authentication mechanism), Syslinux (a lightweight bootloader), IBus (Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS), ConnMan (Internet connection manager), XScreenSaver and other software. More on this later.

Live blogging:

- Chrome OS launches next year

Chrome, the foundation of Chrome OS

- Chrome has 40 million users

- Chrome focuses on: speed, security, simplicity

- new stuff: Chrome for Mac/Linux and extensions

HTML5: making the web more powerful

- powerful web apps

- web apps should use threads

- offline web apps

Converging trends

- netbooks have an explosive growth

- millions of users are living in the cloud

Chrome OS:

- instant boot

- Chrome on Chrome OS is faster

- every app is a web app

- all data is in the cloud

- browser security model


- 7 seconds boot time

- the UI is a work in progress

- easy to access favorite apps

- app menu

- panels: persistent lightweight windows (example: Google Talk)

- file browser

- local files open in web apps (including Microsoft Office online apps)

- native video player


wall paper


- reference hardware

- you can't download Chrome OS and install it on your machine

- the only way to install the OS is to buy a Chrome OS machine

- the target launch time: the end of next year

What is Google Chrome OS?

- the web browser is the most important program on your computer

- your browser is your operating system

Source  : Googel system


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Evolution of Microsoft Window..

New York City on the 10th of November 1983. Two Microsoft founders Paul Allen and Bill Gates officially announced their corporation’s first and next-generation graphical user interface operating system – Microsoft Windows.
Despite the criticism on stability and constantly being compared to their rivals Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows is still the most widely used operating systems in the world.(85%) In this article, we’ll bring you back to 1985 where the very first official Microsoft Windows 1.0 was announced,.After couple of versions ,just released The Windows 7,it seems like a more user friendly graphical user interface.

Here is the evolution of windows step by step......

Windows 1.01 (1985)

Officially released on November 20, 1985, this 16-bit OS that cost less than 1MB in overall is Microsoft’s very first operating system that allows multi tasking with graphical user interface on PC platform that runs on MS-DOS 5.0.

Windows 1.03 (1986)
Introduced in 1986, Windows 1.03 is an upgrade to its previous predecessor Windows 1.01. Entire operating system cost about 2.2Mb hard disk space.


Windows 2.03 (1987)

Taking advantage of the speed of Intel 286/386 processor at that time, Windows 2.03 is a replacement for Windows 1.x. It also starts the era where users are able to overlap windows, customize screens, etc. Still the entire operating system cost no more than 2.5Mb.

Windows 2.86 (1989)  
2.86's boot screen is same as   2.03,there for i am not upload it,and it's interface's also similar of previous version,and some advance features added that package.                      

Windows 3.0 (1990)

This is the third major released of Microsoft Windows with a improved set of Windows icons and applications like File Manager, Program Manager that is still being used in today’s Windows. This 22 May 1990 released operating system is then replaced by Windows 3.1 two years later.

Windows 3.1 (1992)

Windows 3.1 is probably the earliest Windows most of us are familiar with. Windows 3.1 and later Windows 3.1x is an upgrade to Windows 3.0 with bug fixes and multimedia support


Windows NT 3.1 (1993)

The first Windows New Technology (NT) introduced. It maintains consistency with the Windows 3.1, a well-established home and business operating system at the time, the new Windows NT operating system began with version 3.1. Unlike Windows 3.1, however, Windows NT 3.1 was a 32-bit operating system

Windows 3.11 (1993)

A superset of Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 added peer-to-peer workgroup and domain networking support. For the first time, Windows–based PCs were network-aware and became an integral part of the emerging client/server computing evolution – Microsoft

Windows NT 3.51 Workstation (1995)

The Windows NT Workstation 3.5 release provided the highest degree of protection yet for critical business applications and data. With support for the OpenGL graphics standard, this operating system helped power high-end applications for software development, engineering, financial analysis, scientific, and business-critical tasks – Microsoft

Windows 95 (1995)

Previously code-named Chicago, Windows 95 is a successor to all the existing Windows operating system so far. It gives full graphical user interface support, integrated a 32-bit TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack for built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that made it easy for users to install hardware and software.



Windows NT 4.0 (1996)

Windows NT Workstation 4.0 included the popular Windows 95 user interface yet provided improved networking support for easier and more secure access to the Internet and corporate intranets – Microsoft
Windows NT Server 4.0 (1996)


Windows NT Server 4.0 (1996)


Windows 98 (1998)

Windows 98 was the upgrade from Windows 95. Described as an operating system that "Works Better, Plays Better," Windows 98 was the first version of Windows designed specifically for consumers – Microsoft.



Windows 2000 (2000)

More than just the upgrade to Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional was also designed to replace Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 on all business desktops and laptops. Built on top of the proven Windows NT Workstation 4.0 code base, Windows 2000 added major improvements in reliability, ease of use, Internet compatibility, and support for mobile computing – Microsoft.


Windows 2000 Server (2000)


Windows ME (2000)

Designed for home computer users, Windows Me offered consumers numerous music, video, and home networking enhancements and reliability improvements – Microsoft



Windows XP (2001)

Windows XP Professional brings the solid foundation of Windows 2000 to the PC desktop, enhancing reliability, security, and performance. With a fresh visual design, Windows XP Professional includes features for business and advanced home computing, including remote desktop support, an encrypting file system, and system restore and advanced networking features – Microsoft



Windows Server 2003 (2003)

Released on April 2003, and also known as Win2k3, this operating system is a sucessor to it’s predecessor Windows Server 2000 (Win2k).


Windows Vista (2006)

Came more than 5 years after it’s predecessor Windows XP, Vista is the longest timeline break for Microsoft between two operating system

Vista is Not more succesfulll

Windows 7 (2009)
Codenamed Blackcomb, Windows 7 is one of the most anticipated operating system which should be available somewhere in Oct 2009

Windows 7 images are My own Images....More Images Visit my Fb Albums...
In order to gather boot screen And Interface i refer some sites.
Here is those sites.

But what ever versions of windows first user friend interface credits go to APPLE

i Think this post is something important to you all.i am hope to post next Evolution of linux & Apple.
and also now i am gathering different version of photoshop versions detailes.i am hope to post very soonly keep with me.
thanks you all For read This,Again Thanks For your response mails...i am expecting more.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

googel os

In July of this year, Tech Crunch reported that Google dropped a Nuclear bomb on Microsoft, And It's Made of Chrome.

Today Tech Crunch (site)reported that it is set to launch within a week.

Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. Because we're already talking to partners about the project, and we'll soon be working with the open source community, we wanted to share our vision now so everyone understands what we are trying to achieve

Google is being very tight lipped about the launch, and in fact has no official word on its Chrome site.

Possibly being aimed at the Notebook/Laptop/Netbook market, this new OS coming into any market has a lot of rungs to climb up the ladder of success. Can Google skip a few ? Will it take two steps forward and three back ? Only time will tell.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How long will your password stand up

Last week I searched about strong passwords,I got some interesting references & article,I am willing to share with you all,here what I got..


Password strongs

your password should be a long string of random characters, the longer the better. Is it really necessary to have passwords that would take a few quadrillion years to crack and use those for everything, or can you get away with weaker ones for some things? And what about those sites—even some credit card and banking sites—that force you to use only upper and lower case letters and numbers? Are those passwords strong enough? The answers may surprise you.

First of all, it's not necessary to have passwords that require half an eternity to crack, no matter what the experts say. If your password is complex enough that it's unlikely it can be cracked before you change it, chances are that's strong enough. Let's say the password for your on-line banking site is MyPass21; a brute force attack against your account would take around 253 days--call this the password recovery window (PRW) - if an attacker was using a fast, dual processor PC (see charts - the complete set of them is available on the Password Recovery Speeds website). If you change your password every six months, it's highly unlikely that anyone would be able to compromise your account using brute force.



What about on-line magazine sites, photo sharing sites, and the like? These often require “registration,” mainly so they can legally send you email solicitations. They ask for your first name, maybe an email address, and want you to create a password. There's no danger that any personal identity or financial information is going to be revealed if someone hacks your account, so who cares? In this case, a weak password is strong enough. I call these things “nuisance passwords” and I always use the simplest, most easy-to-remember password I can get away with, usually the same as my login name. For example, my login for one site is shilive and my password is ShI lIvE..

But You Cand Find which site it ‘s belongs too.lolzzzzzzzzzzzz

Password Recovery Speeds

How long will your password stand up

This document shows the approximate amount of time required for a computer or a cluster of computers to guess various passwords. The figures shown are approximate and are the maximum time required to guess each password using a simple brute force "key-search" attack, it may (and probably will) be possible to guess correctly without trying all the combinations shown using other methods of attack or by having a
"lucky guess".

if your password has 10 Charcters ,Assume all characters are as a numeric ,then

Just See other possible combinations

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